Field Work

Siberia 2018 — From Novosibirsk to the Kazakhstan border, the Altai, and Tuva, in search of Pellenes jumping spiders with Galina Azarkina and colleagues from the ISEA.



México 2017 — A road trip through Oaxaca and Chiapas to look for Mexigonus jumping spiders.  Most exciting salticids: purple tomato, blue-legs, quetzal, and red moon. These are our nicknames for them, as they don’t have scientific names yet.




Genevieve, Wayne and Sam at Organ-pipe National Monument Arizona 15 Aug 2013 BArizona and Mexico 2013– A trip to Arizona (mostly in the area near Tucson) and to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. Many salticids were collected, but the focus on this trip was to collect as many different Habronattus species as possible. Most exciting salticids: two new Mexican Habronattus species!

cld1201911 copyBorneo 2012 — In which Edy Piascik and Wayne Maddison sought a complete salticid fauna with data on their habitats.  Most exciting salticids: the first adult hisponines east of India, and “tiny shiny blacks”.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEcuador 2011 — 150 salticid species in one site in Ecuador, Yasuní.  What more could you ask for?  Well, follow it with a trip to Canandé were we found an unexpected ground-dwelling Lapsias and a transparent amycine.

IMG_0053 copyEcuador 2010 — Tiny beetles and strange lapsiine salticids, with David Maddison.  Most exciting salticids: New Thrandina species and Lapsias lorax!

Nicolas finds the first Dinattus!Dominican Republic 2009– A trip with four salticidologists (G.B. Edwards, Wayne Maddison, Junxia Zhang and Gustavo Ruiz). Goal: primarily to understand the Caribbean radiation of euophryine salticids.Most exciting salticids: euophryines, euophryines, euophryines!

Mossy stream, habitat of AllococalodesPapua New Guinea 2008– A Conservation International RAP survey to the Porgera area (Kai-Ingri at 3300 m elevation and Wanakipa at 800-1400 m elevation). Goal: to find new species; for Wayne, the goal was to see cocalodines alive. Most exciting salticids: three new genera of cocalodines (Cucudeta,Yamangalea, and Tabuina).

Gabon2007Gabon 2007– To the Crystal Mountains NE of Libreville, and Waka National Park to the south. Goal: to understand the phylogenetic position of central African rainforest salticids. Most exciting salticids: the thiratoscirtines!

IMGP6522 copySierra Nevada, California 2005 to 2012 — Gwylim Blackburn’s exploration of different forms of Habronattus americanus only a few kilometers apart, among the patches of snow in the high elevations of the Sierra Nevada.

SM2005Singapore and Malaysia 2005- with Daiqin Li. Goal: diverse salticids. Most exciting salticids: agoriines, hasariines, ballines, spartaeines, euophryines, plexippines, and the strange nannenines!

Ecu2004Ecuador 2004A trip mostly to the eastern slopes of the Andes, from 3000 m elevation down to 400 m, but with some time west of the Andes. Goal: salticids and social spiders, in collaboration with Leticia Avilés and Ingi Agnarsson. Most exciting salticids: new genera of lapsiines (ThrandinaGalianora).

1 thought on “Field Work

  1. Hey Dr Madisson! Greetings from the Philippines. I am a biology teacher and just recently I got attracted to the taxonomy of spiders. And considering “safer” spiders, I got attracted to jumping spiders, which are very common here in the Philippines. But these beautiful creatures are poorly studied and it seems no database are truly dedicated for jumping spiders. However in my taxonomy class, me and my students will be working on jumping spiders and start to understand its diversity. May I ask if you may extend your expertise to us, specially on taxonomic keys so that we may classify these spiders. I believe that there are jumping spiders that are not yet recorded. And by the way, the Philippines is a biodiversity hotspot.
    Hope to hear from you soon!


    Edward Laurence L. Opena
    Biology Instructor
    Cebu Normal University
    6000 Cebu

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